Online Anger Management Therapy

Anger Management Therapy

Anger can be a healthy emotion, helping to identify problems and set boundaries, but managing the resultant behavior might be difficult for some. If left unmanaged, it can lead to aggression, violence, and health issues. Hence, it’s essential to seek anger management to restore balance and harmony. 

Therapy provides a structured approach to understand triggers of anger, explore underlying emotions, and develop coping strategies. 

Cognitive-behavioral techniques assist individuals to identify negative thought patterns and replace them with healthier responses. Additionally, mindfulness and relaxation techniques can promote emotional regulation. 

Therapy provides a safe space to express emotions, learn communication skills, and practice assertiveness.

Why Choose Us?

Expert therapists, confidentiality, holistic approach, flexible scheduling for personalized care.

Expert Therapists

Therapist Licensed by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario.

Confidentiality Assured

Rest easy knowing that your privacy is our top priority.

Holistic Approach

We integrate various therapeutic techniques tailored to your unique needs.

Online Therapy

Virtual therapy at flexible time to accommodate your busy lifestyle.

How Anger Management Therapy Helps?

Online Anger Management Therapy will help if you are suffering from following anger management issues.

Chronic anger is characterized by a persistent state of anger, where individuals often feel irritable, frustrated, and prone to explosive outbursts. It could result from unresolved issues or ongoing stressors and can negatively impact relationships and every day life. Therapy helps in exploring past traumas, learning effective communication skills, and developing healthier approaches to manager anger.

People suffering from passive-aggressive behavior do not express their anger directly. Instead, they display indirect behaviors, like sarcasm, procrastination, or subtle sabotage. Therapy helps in uncovering underlying emotions that cause passive-aggressive tendencies and teaching assertiveness skills to express themselves in healthier ways and manage anger. Individuals learn to communicate openly, set boundaries, and address conflicts directly.

IED involves sudden, uncontrollable bursts of anger or aggression disproportionate to the triggering event. These outbursts may include verbal or physical aggression. Therapy helps in identifying triggers, teaching relaxation techniques, and addressing underlying psychological factors. Individuals learn to recognize warning signs, manage impulses, and develop coping strategies to prevent explosive episodes.

Some individuals tend to suppress their anger to avoid confrontation or expression of emotions. It could lead to resentment, depression, or physical health issues. Therapy helps individuals to explore and release pent-up emotions and learn healthy ways to process and express anger to foster emotional healing and enjoy overall well-being.

Some people may believe themselves to be constantly wronged and react with anger or hostility towards their perceived injustices. They often face difficulty in accepting responsibility for their actions and blame others for their issues. Therapy uses cognitive restructuring and empowerment techniques to help individuals gain insight into patterns of victimization, develop resilience, and regain control over their lives.

Just like other addictive behaviors, some individuals use anger to experience adrenaline rush or a sense of power and seek out situations that trigger anger or aggression. Therapy helps in addressing the underlying issues that trigger such kind of behavior, such as a low self esteem or an unresolved trauma, and teaching coping skills. Therapists assist individuals to learn healthier ways to manage emotions and reduce reliance on anger for stimulation.

Individuals with narcissistic personality traits could react with extreme anger, vindictiveness, and a need for retaliation when they feel that their sense of superiority or entitlement is challenged or threatened. Therapy helps by addressing the underlying insecurities of individuals and teaching them healthier ways to manage emotions and relationships.

Passive anger involves expressing anger indirectly through passive means, like withdrawal, silent treatment, or withholding affection. It could arise from feelings of powerlessness or fear of confrontation. Therapy aids in identifying and addressing passive-aggressive tendencies, fostering open communication and assertiveness. It assists individuals to learn to express emotions directly, set boundaries, and resolve conflicts constructively.

About the Therapist

Malika Chandra is an MPS from the University of Toronto. With diverse volunteering and work experiences across the USA and Canada, her impact transcends borders. Proficient in CBT, Psychodynamic approaches, and Emotion Focused Therapy, her services include targeting depression, trauma, anxiety, grief, and life transitions and promoting self-esteem, holistic well-being, mindfulness, and interpersonal relationships. 

Malika is especially proficient in anger management therapy, allowing individuals to identify triggers for their anger, manage physiological responses, and develop coping mechanisms to prevent outbursts. 

Recently featured in The Indian Express, her dedication to mental health shines through her global outreach and multifaceted expertise.

Malika Chandra - Online Therapist in Ontario
Online CBT Therapy

Online Anger Management Therapy

Online anger management provides a convenient, accessible, safe, and private platform for individuals to manage their anger issues. They typically include structured lessons, interactive exercises, and support from qualified therapists.

The productive anger management sessions would train you to recognize triggers, regulate emotions, and develop healthier responses to anger in the comfort of your own home.


Tailored services for holistic well-being, ensuring your mental health thrives.

Anger management refers to a set of techniques and approaches to help individuals understand, control, and express anger in healthy and constructive ways. It trains people to recognize triggers, manage physiological responses, and develop coping mechanisms to prevent outbursts.

There are several signs that can notify you that you may need anger management. These include frequent feelings of frustration, irritability, or hostility, difficulty in controlling anger, experiencing frequent conflicts or relationship problems due to anger, and engaging in aggressive or destructive behavior when angry. If you believe that you are experiencing or displaying any of such concerns then you must immediately seek professional help in anger management.

Some of the popular anger management techniques include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness meditation, cognitive restructuring (changing negative thought patterns), assertive communication skills, problem-solving strategies, and finding healthy outlets for expressing anger, such as physical activity or creative pursuits.

Yes, anger management helps with other emotions apart from anger as it often involves learning to manage a range of emotions. Anger management techniques train you to develop skills in emotional regulation to better cope with stress, anxiety, sadness, and other negative emotions. Hence, it leads to improved overall well-being and interpersonal relationships.

No, you can benefit from anger management techniques even if you do not have anger issues. Anger management assists in boosting your emotional intelligence and communication skills. It helps you to express your emotions constructively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and maintain healthy relationships.

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