Online Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety Therapy

As per Oxford dictionary, anxiety is a feeling of fear or worry, particularly related to future. It is usually temporary and manifests in the form of some physical symptoms, such as sweating, feeling tensed and restless, and having a rapid heartbeat.

Generally, the body uses it as a coping mechanism by giving you an energy boost and helping you to concentrate. Yet, for some people anxiety is a prolonged condition that worsens with time.

Individuals suffering from anxiety disorder may experience the symptoms interfering with their work, relationships and overall well-being.

Therapy provides diverse approaches, like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), to manage this disorder and its symptoms. It assists individuals with coping mechanisms, challenges their negative thought patterns, and designs relaxation techniques to manage symptoms effectively.

Online Anxiety Therapy​

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Expert therapists, confidentiality, holistic approach, flexible scheduling for personalized care.

Expert Therapists

Therapist Licensed by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario.

Confidentiality Assured

Rest easy knowing that your privacy is our top priority.

Holistic Approach

We integrate various therapeutic techniques tailored to your unique needs.

Online Therapy

Virtual therapy at flexible time to accommodate your busy lifestyle.

How Anxiety Therapy Helps?

Anxiety disorder comes in several different forms. Therapy can help if you are suffering from:

People diagnosed with GAD worry excessively about various aspects of life. Usually, this anxiety or worry is baseless and do not have any underlying cause. Therapeutical approaches, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), identifies and challenges irrational thoughts, teaches relaxation techniques, and develops coping strategies for better management of anxiety.

Individuals suffering from panic disorder experience recurring and unexpected panic attacks, which are accompanied by intense physical symptoms, like chest pain, sweating, and a sense of impending doom. Therapy, like CBT, helps in identifying triggers, modifying distorted thought patterns, and practicing relaxation techniques. Therapists may also use exposure therapy to desensitize individuals to feared situations.

While most people at some time have a fear of facing an audience, people diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder possess an intense fear of social situations and scrutiny. This fear of being judged by others negatively affect their school, work, or other activities. People with SAD may also face difficulty in starting and maintaining friendships and other relationships. Therapy helps by challenging negative beliefs, practicing social skills, and gradually exposing individuals to feared situations.

Some people may experience irrational fear of certain objects or situations, such as flying, spiders, or heights, which in reality may pose little or no threat. Adults with such phobia may be aware of the fact that these fears are baseless but when faced with the feared object, they may become agitated and display severe anxiety symptoms. Therapy helps in getting over the fear and managing the anxiety symptoms.

People diagnosed with OCD display obsessed thoughts combined with compulsive and repetitive behavior. It can waste a lot of their time and can interfere with daily activities. Therapy, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), helps to alleviate OCD by identifying triggers, challenging obsessive thoughts, and gradually reducing compulsive behaviors.

Individuals exposed to traumatic experiences often suffer from PTSD, which result in severe anxiety, emotional numbness, nightmares, and flashbacks. Therapy, such as Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), helps by processing traumatic memories, challenging negative beliefs, and teaching coping approaches.

Toddlers frequently display separation anxiety when separated from parents, caregivers, or an attachment object, but outgrow the phase by age 3. However, some preschoolers may display a prolonged or more intense condition that may interfere with their school or daily routine. Therapy, including CBT and family therapy, helps by addressing underlying fears, teaching coping skills, and gradually exposing individuals to separations.

Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety related to crowded or public places, where help is difficult to come, and from where a probable escape is difficult. People suffering from agoraphobia usually tend to avoid such places for fear of being embarrassed, helpless, or trapped. Therapy helps in gradual reintegration into daily life, reducing anxiety symptoms.

About the Therapist

Malika Chandra is an MPS from the University of Toronto. With diverse volunteering and work experiences across the USA and Canada, her impact transcends borders.

Proficient in CBT, Psychodynamic approaches, and Emotion Focused Therapy, her services include targeting depression, trauma, anxiety, grief, and life transitions and promoting self-esteem, holistic well-being, mindfulness, and interpersonal relationships.

Malika is highly proficient in anxiety management and helps individuals overcome their fear or anxiety related to many things, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, and Specific Anxiety.

Recently featured in The Indian Express, her dedication to mental health shines through her global outreach and multifaceted expertise.

Malika Chandra - Online Therapist in Ontario
Online CBT Therapy

Online Anxiety Therapy

Transform your mental health with our Online Anxiety Therapy. We offer personalized, expert support to help you overcome anxiety and stress, all from the comfort and privacy of your home.

Begin your journey towards improved well-being with our professional and compassionate online anxiety therapy sessions today.


Tailored services for holistic well-being, ensuring your mental health thrives.

Anxiety disorders involve excessive worry, fear, or anxiety that interfere with your daily life. It is accompanied by physical symptoms, which include rapid heartbeat or sweating. If you have persistent symptoms that have lasted for more than six months, then you need to visit a clinician to rule out anxiety disorder.

Yes, there are various kinds of therapeutic approaches, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which assist in helping with the anxiety disorders by identifying triggers, challenging negative thought patterns, and teaching coping strategies to effectively manage the various symptoms.

Some of the most beneficial therapies for treating anxiety disorders include Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Therapy. Different therapies focus on different aspects of the problem, such as modifying the thought patterns, confronting fears in a gradual manner, or cultivating present-moment awareness to alleviate anxiety.

Different individuals show different time frames for alleviating anxiety symptoms. The duration varies depending on factors like the severity of symptoms and the type of therapy. While some individuals can report positive change within a few sessions, others might need longer duration for cure, which could range from several months to a year or more.

If the symptom is mild or moderate then therapy alone should suffice. However, if the symptoms are severe and impede daily functioning, you may need medication along with therapy to alleviate symptoms and facilitate progress.

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