Online Relationship Therapy

Relationship Therapy

Relationship therapy is a specialized form of psychotherapy that helps couples, friends, families, and co-workers resolve conflicts, improve communication, strengthen their emotional connection, and experience harmony.

Here, the therapist works with the concerned individuals to overcome their differences and rebuild their relationships by increasing trust, affection, respect, and understanding for one another.

Therapists assist individuals in expressing their feelings and discussing issues with their partners, friends, co-workers, or other family members to mutually resolve conflicts. Many people seek relationship therapy simply to enjoy a closer bond with their partners or with themselves.

Our online relationship therapy allows people to enjoy the benefits of counseling from the comfort of their homes.

Online Relationship Therapy

Why Choose Us?

Expert therapists, confidentiality, a holistic approach, and flexible scheduling for personalized care.

Expert Therapists

Therapist Licensed by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario.

Confidentiality Assured

Rest easy knowing that your privacy is our top priority.

Holistic Approach

We integrate various therapeutic techniques tailored to your unique needs.

Online Therapy

Online therapy at flexible time to accommodate your busy lifestyle.

How Relationship Therapy Helps?

Relationship therapy is especially helpful in managing major relationship concerns by exploring, understanding, and alleviating distress within the relationship dynamics. Let’s take a closer look at some of these concerns to see how relationship therapy helps in their treatment.

Most relationships undergo a phase of negative communication patterns involving criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling. These patterns cause resentment, misunderstandings, emotional distance, and hinder healthy interaction and connection. Therapy allows concerned members to identify and modify harmful communication patterns to interact constructively with each other.

While some relationships suffer from negative communication patterns, many others suffer from ineffective communication, as concerned individuals may have difficulty expressing their feelings to one another. Difficulty in effectively communicating thoughts, feelings, and needs can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts within relationships. Therapy can help people develop better communication skills and techniques to express themselves more effectively and enjoy harmony in their lives.

Many relationships experience various forms of conflict due to differences in thought patterns, insecurity, jealousy, miscommunication, power struggles, and differing expectations. Therapy helps people constructively resolve conflicts and navigate disagreements without causing harm to the relationship. It equips individuals with practical tools, such as active listening skills, to manage conflicts.

Money is a major stress-booster and can negatively impact any relationship. Financial stress can stem from differing financial goals, lack of fiscal transparency, debt, unequal contribution, and differing spending habits. Therapy can help families manage financial stress, develop budgeting strategies, and improve financial communication and decision-making.

The loss of a loved one can trigger different levels of grief in people. Families suffering from grief could benefit from grief therapy to navigate their emotional journey together. Therapists guide them through the grieving process, addressing individual and collective grief reactions. Communication strategies are employed to express emotions, memories, and concerns, fostering mutual understanding and support.

Mismatched expectations, fear of vulnerability, unresolved conflict, communication barriers, and other issues can give rise to problems with emotional intimacy. Difficulty in developing or maintaining emotional intimacy in any relationship can cause distance and affect overall relationship health. Therapy helps address the underlying causes and assists individuals in building mutual understanding and engaging in open communication to overcome emotional intimacy barriers.

Any relationship, whether between couples, co-workers, family members, or friends, can suffer from problems related to trust. These problems can include, but are not limited to, broken promises, infidelity, and betrayal. Therapists help concerned individuals build trust in their relationships by teaching practical tools like active listening, empathy, and honesty. These skills assist in effectively navigating relationships and rebuilding trust with others.

In multicultural societies like Canada, couples could face challenges related to cultural or religious differences. These differences can lead to clashes in beliefs, misunderstandings, communication challenges, and family conflicts. Therapy can assist couples in navigating these differences, promoting understanding, and finding common ground while respecting each other’s backgrounds and beliefs.

About the Therapist

Malika Chandra holds an MPS from the University of Toronto. With diverse volunteering and work experiences across the USA and Canada, her impact transcends borders.

Proficient in CBT, Psychodynamic approaches, and Emotion Focused Therapy, her services include targeting depression, trauma, anxiety, grief, and life transitions while promoting self-esteem, holistic well-being, mindfulness, and interpersonal relationships.

Malika is especially proficient in relationship management and helps families, couples, co-workers, and friends overcome their relationship-related issues through therapy.

Recently featured in The Indian Express, her dedication to mental health shines through her global outreach and multifaceted expertise.

Malika Chandra - Online Therapist in Ontario
Online CBT Therapy

Online Relationship Therapy

Online Relationship Therapy allows all family members, co-workers, couples, or friends to benefit from the therapeutic process without having to disrupt their busy schedules. People can remain in the same room or at their respective places but connect with the therapist through an online platform for personalized therapy to boost their relationships.


Tailored services for holistic well-being, ensuring your mental health thrives.

Therapy provides intercultural couples, co-workers, friends, or family members with a safe space to explore and understand each other’s cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and values. It promotes effective communication, paving the path for understanding and appreciating each other’s perspectives and constructively navigating cultural differences. Therapists help concerned individuals enjoy greater understanding and harmony in their relationships by promoting empathy and offering strategies to bridge cultural gaps.

Therapy serves a crucial role in addressing disagreements within relationships by providing a neutral space for people to express their concerns, understand each other’s perspectives, and collaborate on effective relationship, friendship, or work strategies. It trains partners in effective conflict resolution skills so that they can create a supportive and harmonious environment for their relationship to thrive. Therapists help people strengthen their relationships by engaging in productive communication, identifying underlying concerns that contribute to conflicts, and offering tools to resolve disagreements constructively.

Therapy supports LGBTQ+ couples by providing a safe and affirming space to address their unique relationship challenges and build resilience. It helps them develop their communication skills and coping strategies to deal with their specific issues. Therapists assist the couples in handling challenges such as societal discrimination, family acceptance, and identity exploration by guiding them on legal and social barriers. They also help the couple access community resources and strengthen their relationship bond to lead a more fulfilling life.

Therapists use several different approaches to help couples, families, or friends overcome communication barriers and build stronger connections. Some of these approaches include Mindfulness-Based Approaches, Nonviolent Communication, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Imago Relationship Therapy, and Emotionally Focused Therapy.

Therapy can address the impact of systemic inequalities on relationships in marginalized communities by providing a safe space to couples to explore the effects of systemic oppression on their relationships without any fear of judgment. Further, it helps the couples to acknowledge the lived experiences of systemic discrimination and their impact on relationships to foster a sense of validation and understanding. Therapy also helps individuals and couples to recognize and challenge systemic injustices and empowers them to advocate for change within their relationships and communities.

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